

Meet the Team

All members of the team are volunteers.

Aspen Hieb, Executive Director/Co-Founder

One of the Five Wig Out Lash Out originals. Aspen has a heart for helping people live their best life.  Aspen is an Occupational Therapist and volunteers with different organization within her community. Her joy of helping others eventually sparked her interest in starting the non-profit: Wig Out Lash Out. In her free time, you can find her enjoying time at her families ranch, hiking, paddle boarding, traveling and relaxing with family in South Dakota and Florida.

(p) 786.566.2618

Erin Rusch, Director of Special Initiatives/Co-Founder

One of the Five Wig Out Lash Out originals.


LeeAnn Krueger, Director of Special Initiatives/Co-Founder

One of the Five Wig Out Lash Out originals.